Arab American Heritage Council to honor L.A. music producer, Kettering president, health provider at Legacy banquet

Arab American Heritage Council to honor L.A. music producer, Kettering president, health provider at Legacy banquet

The 20,000-member Arab American community has played a key role in the growth of Flint and Genesee County. For almost 40 years, it has done so with the help and encouragement of the Arab American Heritage Council (AAHC). The organization has worked to broaden understanding and appreciation of Arab culture and encourage Arab American involvement […]

Dads play a key role in Flint’s future, local leaders say

Dads play a key role in Flint’s future, local leaders say

A lot has been said about fathers in cities like Flint throughout the years, and not all of it positive. The stereotype of absent dads in many communities can often overshadow the everyday contributions that loving, dedicated men and mentors provide without fanfare or publicity. Flint has no shortage of exemplary fathers and male leaders, […]

City of Flint wins Gateways for Growth award to support more immigration

City of Flint wins Gateways for Growth award to support more immigration

Flint is one of 13 locations across the nation being recognized as a community that welcomes immigrants and embraces diversity. The New American Economy and Welcoming America this week announced that the city has received the Gateways for Growth award as part of a competitive program to win technical assistance, supportive research and grants to […]

RACE: Are We So Different? exhibit will launch dialogue examining an issue critical to Flint’s future

RACE: Are We So Different? exhibit will launch dialogue examining an issue critical to Flint’s future

Devin Bathish encounters the same daily challenges as most Flint residents, but not many of his neighbors experience the same challenges he does. As one in a small percentage of local Arab American citizens, he often faces cultural and racial barriers that can impact virtually every aspect of life. What’s even more problematic for Bathish […]

Council’s work supports citizens of Arab descent

Council’s work supports citizens of Arab descent

Growing up Arab American in Genesee County, Devin Bathish often heard racist comments, but some were especially rude. “They’d ask, ‘Are you a terrorist?’ or they would call you a terrorist,” he remembers. Whenever spoken the comments were offensive, but in the wake of the September 2001 attacks that shook the country, statements made out […]