Cowabunga: Dairy Industry Celebrates Michigan Dairy Foods Awareness Day

Cowabunga: Dairy Industry Celebrates Michigan Dairy Foods Awareness Day

Moo. Michigan’s dairy cows produce more than 11.2 billion pounds of milk annually, making our dairy industry the nation’s 6th largest. “Michigan’s dairy industry is one of the largest agricultural industries in our state with an annual economic impact of $15.7 billion,” says Governor Gretchen Whitmer. “Ninety-seven percent of Michigan’s dairy farms are family owned, many […]

Eight Tips for Eating Healthy on a Budget

Do you want to start eating healthier in the New Year? Healthy meals are good for you and don’t have to be costly! There are a few tricks and tips to eat healthy within a budget. 1. Plan a weekly menu. Taking the time to plan meals means huge time-savings and money-savings when it comes […]

Healthy Holiday Tips

Healthy Holiday Tips

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and that means the holiday season is almost here. You can enjoy the holidays while still making healthy food choices that help you and your family be your best. Try these tips and some of our favorite holiday recipes that fit into a healthy meal plan! Enjoy all food […]

Halloween spirits sure to satisfy the over 21 crowd

Halloween spirits sure to satisfy the over 21 crowd

You’re grown. And sometimes that’s reason enough to pause for an adult beverage. Here are some of our favorites from our friends at Milk Means More. Brewery Cocoa   The dark-roasted grains in stout compliment the bittersweet flavor of dark chocolate in this hot cocoa. It will warm you up if Halloween is a dark […]

Dairy + School Meals = Success!

Dairy + School Meals = Success!

The school year has started and kids are into their new grove. New shoes have been scuffed up and new pencils have been broken. Now it’s time to look at how you can help make this the best school year ever for your child. One of the best things you can do as a parent […]

Soup’s On! A hearty bowl does a body good especially when dairy’s involved

Soup’s On! A hearty bowl does a body good especially when dairy’s involved

They say soup feeds both the body and the soul. During the winter months especially, truer words were never spoken. Options abound for brothy elixirs, creamy vegetable concoctions, and even hearty thick stews that warm our bodies and souls. A seemingly endless variety can be whipped up with the most basic ingredients – vegetables, meats, […]

Cheesy selfies can win year’s pizza supply

Cheesy selfies can win year’s pizza supply

It’s time to say “cheese” – and not just for the camera. Maybe you’re a fan of the stretchy pull of mozzarella on top of a hot pizza or you may prefer the melty queso on your nachos.  However you like it, it’s the flavorful, savory, delicious cheese made from calcium and protein filled milk […]

Selfies and a summer favorite: Ice Cream

Selfies and a summer favorite: Ice Cream

Selfies and summer’s favorite treat – the combination sounds like fun all by itself. Throw in a year’s supply of ice cream as the prize and it’s easy to see why the United Dairy Industry of Michigan’s new contest is generating a buzz. Just by posting an original photo of an “ice cream moment” involving […]