MADE Co-Founder Timothy Abdul-Matin hopes to make Flint Community Schools better

MADE Co-Founder Timothy Abdul-Matin hopes to make Flint Community Schools better

Education seems to be top-of-mind and a top priority as we navigate through the pandemic and its devasting impact on families. It certainly is for Timothy Abdul-Matin, the co-founder of the MADE Institute, who recently announced his candidacy for the Flint Board of Education.

Adbul-Matin hopes to turn around the trajectory of his less than positive educational expereience with Flint Community Schools, shaping it into something good for future FCS students.

Every student needs to be ready to compete in the global economy, according to the candidate, who says the focus of his campaign will connect his life experiences to the policies and procedures of the school system.

MADE Institute founders Timothy Abdul-Matin (l) and Leon El-Alamin (r) have raised the bar on returning citizens programs, which have gained acclaim and serve as a model for national reform. Photo courtesy of MADE Institute

“I was a victim of the school-to-prison pipeline,” says Abdul-Matin. “Because of my actions, I went from being a young person living in the neighborhood to being incarcerated.”

Abdul-Matin was sentenced to 9 years in prison at the age of 18, where he earned his GED and completed several vocation certificates including creative writing.

“I have been where our young people do not want to go,” says Abdul-Matin, who wants to see the district’s policies and practices better align with the needs of Flint families.

His candidacy will be supported by his community credentials, according to supporters, who describe Abdul-Matin as a change agent.

After leaving the Department of Corrections, Abdul-Matin collaborated with Leon El-Alamin to found the MADE Institute, an organization dedicated to providing comprehensive violence prevention, solution driven research, and workforce development for at-risk-youth and returning citizens.

The organization has received local, state and regional acclaim for its success and captured the support of organizations including the Community Foundation of Greater Flint, the Genesee Health Plan, the Consumers Energy Foundation and the American Heart Association.

Its housing program has had a 100 percent success rate. None of its 90-Day housing program participations have re-offended, according to published reports.

And it’s job program has achieved an 87 percent success rate among participants now earning an average of $18 per hour.

In addition to his work at MADE, Adbul-Martin helped establish the Sylvester Broome Empowerment Village, which provides a safe place for youth offering after school activities and other programs and served on its board from 2016 to 2019.

The candidate attended Eisenhower Elementary, Longfellow Middle School and Flint Northern High School and is now continuing his education at Mott Community College.

The husband and father of two, is employed at the Lear Corporation and a member of UAW Local 659.

Adbul-Martin has proven that although you can’t change the past, you don’t have to relive it.

It’s a message that he hopes will resonate with voters.

For more information on his campaign, contact Timothy Abdul-Matin at 810-447-0716 or by email at

See other MADE Instititute coverage:

How M.A.D.E. was made

MADE Institute expands its proven rehabilitation programs

Returning citizens program gets critical infusion of support

Reclaiming Health: Innovative program delivers contagious benefits




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