Many meet with one goal: To improve Flint’s neighborhoods

Many meet with one goal: To improve Flint’s neighborhoods

A vigilant community is a more vibrant one. Neighborhoods with watchful, active residents who look out for one another have been shown not only to be less impacted by crime, but to make themselves more attractive for investment and development.  Flint’s dedicated community and residential associations help keep the city-at-large more enjoyable to its citizens, […]

Ruth Mott community forum provides platform for neighborhood residents to be heard

Ruth Mott community forum provides platform for neighborhood residents to be heard

As cities go, Flint has more than its fair share of neighborhood organizations, block clubs and concerned citizens who want nothing more than the growth and prosperity that has started to take hold to continue. Right alongside them are nonprofit organizations that are working to better the city. Primary among those is the Ruth Mott […]

Angel Tree Christmas Party and Dinner to be held for children of incarcerated parents Dec. 20

Angel Tree Christmas Party and Dinner to be held for children of incarcerated parents Dec. 20

Christmas is a tough time for kids who have a parent in jail. They often feel alone and are depressed. To help alleviate some of those feeling and show the children they are loved, the Stacy Swimp Evangelistic Association and Metropolitan Baptist Tabernacle are partnering to reach out to children of the incarcerated and their families […]